Radon gas has been steadily making its way to the forefront of every builders' mind in BC in recent years. With the introduction of the 2014 BC building code changes, a builder has since been required to make additional efforts during construction to ensure that, if it is discovered that radon is in your area and is indeed infiltrating your home, a homeowner occupying a home built from 2014 on can easily and at little cost, take the necessary steps to mitigate the infiltration of the deadly gas. Information on these requirements in BC can be found in a document distributed by the provinces Building & Safety Standards Branch. Additionally, and as referenced by this document, valuable information on the health risks and effects of radon gas, if it is found to exist in your home, can be found at Radon Aware. At Original Home Designs & Construction we recommend that any homeowner, whether completing a new build, renovating, or purchasing an older home, ensure that the necessary steps are being taken to plan for the potential need for radon gas mitigation. Once a project is complete, testing can be done to determine whether radon is present. Information on this process can be found in this pdf brochure found on the Lung Association of BC's Radon Aware site.